Code of Conduct for Teachers

Code of Conduct for Teachers

1.      As employees of a state-aided general degree college in West Bengal, the teachers of Jamini Roy College should follow the code of conduct laid down in West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act, 2017. Moreover, they are subject to the guidelines provided by the UGC for college teachers. Teachers should follow the national ideals of education. Also, teachers have to abide by the rules and regulations set by the college and Bankura University. They must maintain and follow their service rules in toto.


2.      Teachers must maintain the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.


3.      Teachers must prioritise the interests of the students. They must provide students with necessary help and guidance and motivate them to learn. If necessary, they should help the students beyond class hours. They should also inspire students to develop a sense of inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge.


4.      During the evaluation of answer scripts, teachers must be fair and impartial.


5.      Teachers must sign the Attendance Register regularly after arrival and before departure. They must also mention the time of their arrival and departure.


6.      While availing any leave, teachers must obtain prior permission from the authority. They must refrain from enjoying unauthorised leave(s).


7.      Individual departments must conduct meetings to assign sections from the syllabus to faculty members, to keep track of the sections covered, and to discuss other important issues.


8.      Teachers must complete the assignments allotted to them in time.


9.      Teachers must attempt to maintain the spirit of unity, integrity, and harmony among the students, colleagues, and in the society at large.


10.  Besides teaching, teachers must perform their duties as members of different subcommittes of the college.


11.  Teachers must put in effort to publish articles in reputed journals and present papers in seminars and conferences.


12.  Teachers should take part in sports, extension activities, and cultural programmes.